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The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all students and members of our school community understand:
(a) our commitment to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for students
(b) expectations for positive student behaviour
(c) support available to students and families
(d) our school’s policies and procedures for responding to inappropriate student behaviour.
Preston South Primary School is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment for all students. We understand that students reach their full potential only when they are happy, healthy and safe, and that a positive school culture, where student participation is encouraged and valued, helps to engage students and support them in their learning. Our school acknowledges that student wellbeing and student learning outcomes are closely linked.
The objective of this policy is to support our school to create and maintain a safe, supportive and inclusive school environment consistent with our school’s values.
This policy applies to all school activities, including camps and excursions.
1. School profile
2. School values, philosophy and vision
3. Wellbeing and engagement strategies
4. Identifying students in need of support
5. Student rights and responsibilities
6. Student behavioural expectations and management
7. Engaging with families
8. Evaluation
1. School profile
Preston South Primary school is a thriving inner suburban school. The school is situated in Hotham street, Preston, and was first opened in 1866. The sits in a central location, on a quiet residential street. We always take heed of the school motto, ‘non scholae sed vitae’. A Latin phrase, when translated, means ‘we do not learn for school, but for life ‘educating for life’.
This dynamic teaching and learning approach engages and inspires students to achieve their personal best in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. More specifically, it endeavours to expand each child’s talents, providing opportunities for students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for lifelong learning. The core school values of Respect, Encouragement, Achievement, Cooperation and Honesty form the basis of Preston South Primary school’ culture.
Our specialist programs further promote critical and creative thinking; the arts, physical education, healthy living and languages complemented by our Respectful Relationships, The Resilience Project, Philosophy, Child Wise, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and School Wide Behaviour Programs. Our enrichment programs and extra curricular activities cater for student diversity with an emphasis on intellectually challenging and deepening student thinking.
2. School values, philosophy and vision
Our REACH expectation matrix at the start of the year focuses on introducing the values and related concepts to all students from Prep to Year 6. Preston South Primary School’s values are: Respect, Encouragement, Achievement, Cooperation and Honesty.
Preston South Primary School encourages the development of the whole student. Our school empowers all students to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and build their emotional, social and physical well-being. We pride ourselves in a vibrant learning environment that nurtures partnerships and diversity.
Preston South Primary School has enthusiastic and skilled professionals who provide opportunities for students to thrive and reach their potential as global citizens within a challenging and nurturing environment.
We are dedicated to inspiring students to make positive changes, in big and small ways. By actively teaching the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a major part of our curriculum, we have built strong community links both local and globally.
Our Statement of Values is available online at:
3. Engagement strategies
Preston South Primary School has developed a range of strategies to promote engagement, an inclusive and safe environment, positive behaviour and respectful relationships for all students in our school. We recognise the importance of student friendships and peer support in helping children and students feel safe and less isolated We acknowledge that some students may need extra social, emotional or educational support at school, and that the needs of students will change over time as they grow and learn.
A summary of the universal (whole of school), targeted (year group specific) and individual engagement strategies used by our school is included below:
Preston South Primary School implements a range of strategies that support and promote individual engagement. These can include:
Where necessary the school will support the student’s family to engage by:
4. Identifying students in need of support
Preston South Primary School is committed to providing the necessary support to ensure our students are supported intellectually, emotionally and socially. The Student Wellbeing team plays a significant role in developing and implementing strategies help identify students in need of support and enhance student wellbeing. Preston South Primary School will utilise the following information and tools to identify students in need of extra emotional, social or educational support:
5. Student rights and responsibilities
All members of our school community have a right to experience a safe and supportive school environment. We expect that all students, staff, parents and carers treat each other with respect and dignity. Our school’s Statement of Values highlights the rights and responsibilities of members of our community.
Students have the right to:
Students have the responsibility to:
Students who may have a complaint or concern about something that has happened at school are encouraged to speak to their parents or carers and approach a trusted teacher or a member of the school leadership team. Further information about raising a complaint or concern is available in our Complaints Policy.
6. Student behavioural expectations and management
Behavioural expectations of students are grounded in our school’s Statement of Values, Student code of conduct and PSPS Expectations Matrix. Violence, bullying, and other offensive and harmful behaviours such as racism, harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated and will be managed in accordance with this policy. Bullying will be managed in accordance with our Bullying Prevention Policy.
When a student acts in breach of the behaviour standards of our school community, Preston South Primary School will institute a staged response, consistent with the Department’s policies on behaviour, discipline and student wellbeing and engagement. Where appropriate, parents will be informed about the inappropriate behaviour and the disciplinary action taken by teachers and other school staff. Our school considers, explores and implement positive and non-punitive interventions to support student behaviour before considering disciplinary measures such as detention, withdrawal of privileges or withdrawal from class.
Disciplinary measures may be used as part of a staged response to inappropriate behaviour in combination with other engagement and support strategies to ensure that factors that may have contributed to the student’s behaviour are identified and addressed. Disciplinary measures at our school will be applied fairly and consistently. Students will always be provided with an opportunity to be heard.
Disciplinary measures that may be applied include:
Suspension, expulsion and restrictive interventions are measures of last resort and may only be used in situations consistent with Department policy, available at:
In line with Ministerial Order 1125, no student aged 8 or younger will be expelled without the approval of the Secretary of the Department of Education and Training. The Principal of Preston South Primary School is responsible for ensuring all suspensions and expulsions are recorded on CASES21.
Corporal punishment is prohibited by law and will not be used in any circumstance at our school.
7. Engaging with families
Preston South Primary School values the input of parents and carers, and we will strive to support families to engage in their child’s learning and build their capacity as active learners. We aim to be partners in learning with parents and carers in our school community.
We work hard to create successful partnerships with parents and carers by:
8. Evaluation
Preston South Primary School will collect data each year to understand the frequency and types of wellbeing issues that are experienced by our students so that we can measure the success or otherwise of our school based strategies and identify emerging trends or needs.
Sources of data that will be assessed on an annual basis include:
Preston South Primary School will also regularly monitor available data dashboards to ensure any wellbeing or engagement issues are acted upon in a timely manner and any intervention occurs as soon as possible.
This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:
Our school will also ensure it follows the mandatory parent/carer notification requirements with respect to suspensions and expulsions outlined in the Department’s policies at:
Further information and resources
The following Department of Education and Training policies are relevant to this Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy:
· Supporting Students in Out-of-Home Care
The following school policies are also relevant to this Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy:
Policy last reviewed: October 2024
Consultation with: School Council
Approved by: School Council
Next scheduled review date: October 2026