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It is a pleasure, as principal of this amazing school, to extend a very warm welcome to you, your child and family to our vibrant learning community.
Preston South Primary School is a dynamic school that strives to provide the best learning opportunities for its students in a friendly, respectful, caring and professional environment. We pride ourselves in celebrating and promoting diversity in all forms.
Preston South Primary School has a rich history dating back to1866. We always take heed of the school motto, ‘non scholæ sed vitæ’. A Latin phrase of which its original form is ‘non scholæ sed vitæ discimus’, and when translated, means ‘we do not learn for school, but for life’ or, unfettered by the school as ‘educating for life’. ‘Educating for life’, aims to equip students with broad range of skills they need to reach their potential, and achieve success in school and in life.
We believe literacy and numeracy are key life skills that enable students to learn and thrive in all curriculum areas. Success in these foundational areas at school will benefit students for the rest of their lives. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) skills, along with the ability to think critically and find creative solutions for complex problems are vital for future employment opportunities, in our rapidly changing world.
We pride ourselves in our innovative and flexible approach to teaching the Victorian Curriculum. To be the first school in Australia that teaches students all the subject areas through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Every lesson, every aspect of the curriculum is connected to the Sustainable Goals and we teach students how to make the world a better place. We empower students to make a difference in the world.
This dynamic teaching and learning approach engages and inspires students to achieve their personal best in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. More specifically, it endeavours to expand each child’s talents, providing opportunities for students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for lifelong learning. The core school values of Respect, Encouragement, Achievement, Cooperation and Honesty form the basis of Preston South Primary School’s culture.
Our specialist programs further promote critical ad creative thinking; the arts, physical education, healthy living, and languages complemented by our Respectful Relationships, Philosophy, Child Wise, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and School Wide Positive Behaviour Programs. Our enrichment programs and extra curricular activities cater for student diversity with an emphasis on intellectually challenging and deepening student thinking.
Our positive climate for learning supports students to exercise agency in their own learning. Through the use of goal setting, questioning and feedback students are able to assess their learning against their objectives.
Through student leadership teams in various areas we promote and provide opportunities for ‘student voice’. This is a significant feature of our school. This is important as the students have a real say about what happens in the school and their opinions matter.
Our dedicated staff provide the best possible conditions for learning which equip students with knowledge, skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and shaping the world around them. We teach with the ‘Heart in Mind’ – guiding and nurturing social and emotional learning in the classroom.
Parental involvement and participation in the educative process can take many forms, ranging from helping in classrooms, at working bees through to involvement on Parents Group and School Council. This is a vital part of education at Preston South Primary School.
We believe in a strong partnership between students, parents and staff, which is evident through the strong sense of enthusiasm, energy and excitement that exists throughout the school community.
As you enter our school you will notice the warm and inviting atmosphere. We pride ourselves in the development of a stimulating and engaging learning environment that focuses on our students developing: academically, socially and emotionally.
I look forward to sharing and significantly contributing to the exciting educational journey you and your child are about to embark upon.
Leon Leonidas
“As educators we have the privilege and responsibility to ignite a passion for learning within and beyond our classrooms. Allowing students to see the world through all our senses and be intrigued and in awe of it and to imagine better!” – Leon Leonidas
Leon Leonidas has had a distinguished career in leading roles in some of Melbourne’s preeminent government schools.
Before becoming the Principal at Preston South Primary School, Leon was the Assistant Principal at Essendon Primary School and Leading Teacher of various schools before that.
Leon’s capacity as an educational leader has become enhance by academic studies at
Melbourne University (Masters of Educational Leadership), Victoria University (Bachelor of Educations with a double major in Educational Psychology and Multicultural Studies).
Leon is a passionate teacher and curriculum expert. He has created his own teaching program titled “Imagine Better- supporting the Sustainable Development Goals”.
He has made strong links not only with local business but international schools. Supporting Preston South Primary School in achieving a memorandum of understanding with two sister schools in Vietnam and China.